
Raja GuhaThakurta of Los Altos was inspired to expand UC Santa Cruz programs to accommodate underrepresented communities in the wake of George Floyd’s death in 2020.

Spurred by George Floyd’s death in May 2020, Professor Raja GuhaThakurta of Los Altos spoke with his colleagues at UC Santa Cruz about expanding their science programs to accommodate underrepresented communities.

“(If) we continue to do the work we do while the outside world is in turmoil – turmoil having to do with inequities, social inequities – we’d (be) ignoring a pressing situation that's going on outside our walls,” said the UCSC astronomy and astrophysics professor. “This is really an opportunity to take our outreach programs and really think more deliberately about equity.”


Professor Raja GuhaThakurta, right, promotes the Science Internship Program at UC Santa Cruz with student interns.

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