Santa Cruz County
Alumni Holiday Mixer

Sunday, December 15 | 4-6 p.m.
R. Blitzer Gallery, 2857 Mission St. | Map

Did you know there are over 12,000 UCSC Alumni in Santa Cruz County? Banana Slugs “drive” many of the businesses, services, and government offices that make up our community.

Join your fellow alumni to celebrate the season and each other with Santa Cruz Mayor Elect Lynn Robinson (Porter ’81) and Watsonville Mayor Karina Cervantez 
(Kresge '03 and Grad. Div. '09) as Master of Ceremonies and UCSC Executive Vice Chancellor Alison Galloway.

Network with local alums and learn about ways to engage with UCSC, while enjoying appetizers and alumni vintner wines. All alumni receive a special holiday party favor!

Free Admission. Space is limited.
Please R.S.V.P. by December 6th.